Patrick’s Biog
I was first inspired to ride a motorbike at the tender age of 6. A neighbour had what

looked to me a massive motorcycle and I would always come out and watch him ride off on it. Of course it is only now that I know that this being 1976 had I seen him going round a corner I would have been put off for life…
My elder brother was my next step on the journey. It was 1979 and he took delivery of his learner bike – a Z250. Wow what a bike that was! Everyone was so excited, especially my parents who waited up for him every night just to see him ride it home – well they waited up as he rode it like he stole it and they were anxious for his safe return. I am surprised he made it home so often. There were a few times he did come off. Fortunately the state of the art safety equipment of jeans, boots, leather jacket and PVC motorcycle gloves saved the day and the gravel rash healed eventually. Oh he did at least have a decent AGV helmet!
Anyway! All this excitement sort of put my folks off the idea of any of there other offspring getting into the saddle so although I dabbled I didn’t actually legal ride a bike until I was 30 in 2000! My first proper bike was a CB500 and then onto a CCM604RS – a hoot of a bike to ride – lots of trick bits. A lovely 600 single! That burst into flames when I hit a van though and the accident took its toll on me too with some reconstructive surgery and 11 months on crutches. And all that time I yearned for a bike again.
I’m back with vengeance now though. I am the proud owner of 2 Africa Twin XRV750’s. They are the same but different in that one is the famous (well to me anyway) RD04 and the other is the slightly more glitzy and perhaps less hard looking RD07. What do I prefer? Neither when they aren’t working but when both on song I love them dearly.
Across Salisbury Plain they are peerless until I drop the thing and then they both turn into a lazy cow who makes no effort to help herself and relies on me to pick her up. And like the lovesick fool I am I gladly put my back out picking the lazy cow up.
Saying all that it might be time for a change so one will have to go…
Why am I doing this? Well I had a flash of inspiration in a recording studio one day – how showbiz is that! Some bloke called Matthew said he was riding to Russia and before my brain engaged my mouth uttered the immortal words ‘I’ll be up for that!’
To late, he heard me and I was on the team! It wasn’t all bad though as I sort of hood winked Stace into committing to come along too. He only came out for a curry and sort of mentioned he’d be interested and that was a good as a promise so he was in whether he liked it or not.
In all seriousness though Russia holds a bit of mystery to me. We’re not going that far into it this time but the change will be amazing. It will be hard work but it’s something I feel I need to do. I’m really pleased we’ll be raising the profile of the Everyman Charity too. My father died of Prostate Cancer in 2005. So if I can fulfil an ambition and raise money for a cause that will help people who are suffering or recovering from prostate cancer then all well and good.
What will the boss say? Well I currently work as a freelance consultant so as the boss I say go!
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