Matthew’s Biog

Matthew’s Biog


Matthew has been riding bikes since he was two-months-old. His

father bought him his first 600 sports bike when he was old enough to say ‘gaa gaa’. While he was in the womb his father read the highway code through his mother’s stomach, and instructed him on the art of motorcycle maintenance. He won his first MotoGP at the age of three.

When Matthew grew up and the effects of the magic mushrooms growing on Brynmawr moor wore off, he bought his first bike, a CZ125. Shortly after (he blew this one up) he moved up to a MZ125, which lasted considerably longer.

His first big bike was a Honda CBF600, which he still rides to this day (and plans to ride all the way to Russia and back). He’s currently training to be a motorbike mechanic, and learning Russian in his spare time. The instigator of the Journey To Russia trip, his original plan was to ride as far east as he could in just three weeks, this changed when Patrick and Stace joined because he thought they were wimps and couldn’t take it. Patrick and Stace then taught him that he rode a girls bike and shouldn’t throw stones while he was in a glass house.

Matthew currently works as a Development Producer for BBC New Media, in previous incarnations he’s been an aerospace engineer apprentice and trained as a nurse. He disappears most weekends with a tent on the back of his bike – his long suffering wife Catherine is very patient and hopes ‘one day he’ll grow up’.

Matthew says, ‘I’ll never grow up and can’t wait to go to Russia, the question is who is going to pay for this!’.


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